

Homeopathy for dogs

Emaciation: Iodine and in young animals Abrotanum

Abscesses: Hepar, alternatively Myristica

After disease: Nitric acid, Ruta, Ignatia or Apis (with hives)

Allergy: Apis

Anal glands: Aesculus, in chronic cases Silicea

Fear: Belladonna, when Eve noise Borax in claustrophobic silver nitrate

Appetite disorders: Chininum arsenicosum, Natrium muriaticum and phosphorus in gradually potassium

Weakness as a tonic Nux in sexual weakness Staphisagria

Fluid loss: China

Ligaments and tendons: Rhus Toxicodendron

Conjunctiva: Euphrasia

Cystitis: Cantharis or Dulcamara

Paralysis of the bladder: Hyoscyamus or Gelsemium

Bronchitis: Aconitum

Pleurisy: Bryonia or tartar emetic

Enteritis: Pulsatilla, Podophyllum, Sulphur, Arsenicum album and Antimonium crudum

Intestinal parasites: Abrotanum (roundworm), Carduus marianus (hookworm) and Calcarea (tapeworm)

Deck displeasure: Damiana or Phosphoric acid

Jealousy: Hyoscyamus or Platinum (sexual jealousy)

Eclampsia: Hyoscyamus

Eczema: Sulfur

Epilepsy: ZINCUM alternating with Apisinum

Vomiting: Cocculus or Nux

Motion sickness: Nux or Cocculus

Genital warts: Thuja

Frog tumor: Thuja

Boils: Hepar

Pyometra: Pulsatilla

Encephalitis: Belladonna alternating with Apis, with somnolence Baptisia

Concussion: Arnica alternately with Hypericum

Hearing loss: Baryta carbonica

Jaundice: sodium sulphate

Arthritis: Belladonna

Stye: Staphisagria or Hepar

Gesäugeentzündung: Belladonna or Apis

Sex drive excessively: in Platinum bitch, in males Agnus castus

Trembling of the limbs: Magnesium phos

Skin agent: Silica for dry, scaly skin

Skin diseases: Sulfur

Hair Loss: Natrium muriaticum

Hair breakage: Lycopodium

Haarverfilzung: Sulfur and alternatively Acidum fluoricum

Hematoma: Hamamelis

Cardiovascular: Crataegus

Heatstroke / sunstroke: Aconitum

Cough: Bryonia or cramps Drosera

Infections, acute fever: Belladonna

Caries: Staphisagria or Kreosotum

Catarrh: Aconitum, then Spongia

Circulatory and collapse means: Veratrum album

Colic: Colocynthis, magnesium phos

Hilly ear and scars: Silica, as a conclusion Calcium fluorite

Paralysis: Nux

Lefzenekzem: Hepar

Source: www.globuliwelt.de

Informationen / Information


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Homeopathy for dogs Emaciation: Iodine and in young animals Abrotanum Abscesses: Hepar, alternatively Myristica After disease: Nitric acid, Ruta, Ignatia or Apis (with hives) Allergy: Apis Anal glands: Aesculus, in chronic cases Silicea Fear: Belladonna, when Eve noise Borax in claustrophobic silver nitrate Appetite disorders: Chininum arsenicosum, Natrium muriaticum and phosphorus in gradually potassium Weakness as […]

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